The Mitchell Flying club is based out of the Lee’s Summit Airport (KLXT) in Lee’s Summit, Missouri. It was established in 1943 and is the oldest flying club in Missouri. We have some of the most affordable membership rates in the area, no daily minimums for checking out the plane, and competitively priced hourly rates that are billed on Tach Time instead of Hobbs Time.
Our Club currently owns two airplanes, a 1997 Cessna 172R, which is IFR certified and in very good condition, and a 1979 Cessna 182Q Skylane.
Our club operates as a Not-For-Profit, otherwise known as a 501c(7), corporation in Missouri. By law, members share use of the aircraft but do not own “shares” of corporate stock or any club assets (aircraft, etc.). Because our club members do not actually hold ownership in the club or the club’s assets, they enjoy the benefit of limited liability for other club members as well as automatic insurance coverage while using the plane at no additional cost.
Our aircraft are readily available for member use and can be scheduled 24/7 via our club’s web-based scheduling service or toll-free phone number.
Our small, affordable club welcomes a wide variety of members who all share a passion for flying and enjoy the camaraderie that the club provides.